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Carta a Ariel Sharon

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Por favor, aquellos que apoyéis la causa del pueblo palestino no dejéis de hacerlo.
Perdonad que siga con este tema, pero creo que es necesario.


To: Mrs. Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

“History teaches that as long as the duty of justice has not been discharged, the spectre of war can re-emerge”, Judge Claude Jorda.

WE, the undersigned, as the people of this planet, call urgently on Mrs. Mary Robinson to set up a committee to investigate the involvement of Ariel Sharon in war crimes against humanity according to the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the General Assembly resolutions 260, 2391, 3074 and Security Council resolution 1296 of United Nations, on behalf of the victims of 1982 massacre of Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon. UN’s resolutions have made it clear that the perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity and War Crimes should be prosecuted and duly punished. It is also made clear that the total protection of civilians in an occupied country is in the hands of occupying army.

In 1982, Israeli Army was an occupying force in Beirut (Lebanon); according to the international laws they had the responsibility of protection of all civilians under their control. At that time the Israeli Army was under total control of Israeli Defence Ministry, and Ariel Sharon was the Defence Minister. He visited Beirut and pledged total support for the Israeli allied Lebanese Christian Militia. Ariel Sharon himself gave the green light to Lebanese Christian Militia to enter the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in west Beirut, which consequently resulted in the massacre, torture and rape of hundreds of unarmed civilians, mainly women and children.
The Israeli Army was not only monitoring the camps and did nothing to stop the massacre, but as a matter of fact, they paved the path for Militias to enter the camps. They had their direct and clear orders from the Israeli Defence Ministry not to interfere and give free hands and assistance to the Lebanese Christian Militia.

“There was a clear obligation on political and military leaders to take reasonable steps to protect civilians when they made their orders. In a situation where civilians' lives were clearly at risk, the person giving orders was even more responsible than the ones carrying them out”, Judge Richard Goldstone.

With the outbreak of news of massacre in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, Israeli public was outraged and went on demonstration, and demanded the resignation of Ariel Sharon and an inquiry to the matter. Israeli Knesset took action and sat up a parliamentary committee to investigate Ariel Sharon’s involvement in this inhumane act of atrocity. As result of that inquiry, Ariel Sharon was found responsible for the actions of Lebanese Christian Militia, and consequently forced him to resign from his post as Defence Minister. But of course, as he is an Israeli and these crimes were not committed against Israeli nationals, he was never charged and never appeared in any court of justice in Israel.

Now the time has come, all evidences and documents are gathered and ready to set up an investigation committee in order to bring those responsible ones to justice beyond their social or political status.

May justice prevails and heals the wounds of survived victims. <


The Undersigned

Para firmar esta petición entrad en el link de abajo y pinchad en "Click Here to Sign Petition". Basta con que pongáis vuestro nombre y apellidos o sólo el nombre. Si queréis ver las personas que ya han firmado pinchad en "View Current Signatures". Ya lo han hecho 674.211 personas.


Por otro lado, este sábado día 27 se ha convocado una concentración contra Ariel Sharon en la Puerta del Sol a las 12:30.
Última edición:

"Yo no conozco nada llamado Principios Internacionales. Juro que mataré a todos los niños palestinos que nazcan en esta zona. La mujer y el niño palestinos son más peligrosos que el hombre, porque los niños palestinos suponen nuevas generaciones, pero el hombre solo causa un daño limitado. Juro que si yo fuera un simple civil israelí y me encontrara con un palestino, lo mataría y le haría sufrir antes de acabar con él. De una sola sentada he matado a 750 palestinos [Rafah, 1956]. Insistí en animar a mis soldados en que violaran a las chicas árabes, porque la mujer palestina es una esclava para los judíos, le hacemos lo que queremos, y nadie nos dice lo que tenemos que hacer: Nosotros les decimos a los demás qué deben hacer"

-Ariel Sharon, 1956.

¿Y todavía hay alguien que piense que no tenemos derecho a comparar a esta mierda humana con Hitler? Ni siquiera Hitler decía estas cosas en público!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Estas declaraciones muestran muy bien lo que es este tipo, un CRIMINAL DE GUERRA sin ningún tipo de principios.
¡Cuidado con estos asesinos endiosados porque son un auténtico peligro para la Humanidad!. Lo que es verdaderamente patético es que un tipo como éste sea Primer Ministro de un país y haga y deshaga a su antojo con absoluta impunidad, con el resto del mundo como espectadores.

Y encima se permite el lujo de exigir ciertas condiciones para soltar a Arafat. No veo cuando llegará el día en que este asesino se pudra entre las cuatro paredes de una cárcel.